Saturday, July 26, 2014

Hi I am Shay!!

A Story about Me and My Family...
I was born in 2013 in Kingman Arizona. My parents are Tapanga and Trenton White. I have two grandparent. My moms side is Threasa and Tony Hood. Threasa is my Grandma and she is half Tlingit. Which makes my mom a 1/4 Tlingit. That leaves me 1/8 of the Tlingit. I think is is awesome to have a heritage that I can learn about as I am growing up.  My other Grandparents are from my dads side of the family. They are all white which is funny cuz their last name and my last name is White. Travis and Deanna White.. Each side of my family has many people in it I have 2 Aunts and 3 Uncles Between my mom and dad.
Do you know how to speak the Ttlingit language. I don't know yet but my Grammy and I are going to learn more about it when I get older.... heres some ideas for now.

How do you pronounce the word "Tlingit"? What does it mean? Tlingit is pronounced "TLIN-git" or "KLIN-kit." This is an English pronunciation of their native word Lingit, which means "people." In their own language, the first sound is a 'breathy l' that does not exist in English.

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